Hotel Puri in Melaka in the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia offers superior room, deluxe room and the exclusive Puri suite. Every guestroom has individually controlled air-conditioning, telephone, television, mini fridge, and coffee and tea making facilities. Other services provided by Hotel Puri in Melaka in Peninsular Malaysia is complimentary daily newspaper, postal service, laundry and internet access in the lobby area, café and garden that helps you connect with the world while on holiday. With the facilities offered by Hotel Puri in Malacca, southern region of Peninsular Malaysia, the superior room can comfortably fit in 2 adults at a time. The deluxe room is more spacious compared to the superior room and this room allowed an extra bed that can comfortably fit it 3 adults. The Puri Suite at the Hotel Puri in Malacca in the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia offers spacious and relaxed space that lives up to its name. With the space and the rich furnishing in the room, guest is sure to appreciate the hotel’s old charm.
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